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L7-Arts and Media

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I think it’s sad that many of the lesser known ___ that would appear on artists’ albums aren’t being heard anywhere near as much.
For many new musicians, a real sign that they have been successful is when their songs are bought and played many times and they feature in the top 10 in ___.
the charts
Which word would you use to describe a famous actor talking about their latest film on a TV chat show?
Some of the most famous movies of all time started off life as a ___ of books written by the same writer a long time before.
I think the best films are made when the ___ is not well-known.
For Tom’s new website, a lot of images and some video will need to be produced. He hopes that he’ll be able to ___ this all in one day to keep costs down.
My favourite composer has produced some amazing work that everyone knows about, but the music of hers I like best is a little-known ___ that is, in my opinion, completely underrated.
Words to describe how media is distributed to customers...
broadcast and stream
By the time Nafeez was twenty-five, he had already written five books, one of which he’s really proud of because it’s a ___.
A ___ is one of several songs which appears on an album.
Cameras are used in order to ___ films and documentaries.
You can find out what the most popular songs of the week have been by viewing or listening to ___.
the charts
When famous people make an ___, they come out in public.
A ___ is a group of books which deal with the same subject.
Which words can be used to talk about single items of music?
track and piece
When you ___ something, you are watching or listening to it directly from the internet.
Which word describes putting out a programme on television or radio?
Nouns that refer to high quality books...
classic and bestseller
The ___ is all the people who act in a film, play or show.