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Grade 5 Wellbeing Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false: Sleep helps us to rest, to grow, be healthy, to learn, and to feel happy
What kind of food should we avoid before bed time
sweets, coffee, heavy meals
How many hours do you need to stop using electronic devices before going to bed?
1 hour before bed time
True or False: Rapid Eye Movement/ REM helps us process our emotion
What happens if we don't have enough sleep?
tired, bad mood, no focus, headache
This may trick our brains into thinking it is daytime.
Blue light
Sleep hormone in our body that helps us feel sleepy and ready for bed
Learning new things keeps our brains _______ and ________
Active and Happy
Noticing the world around us can help us feel _________.
True or False: There are 7 ways to wellbeing
True or False: Wellbeing is a Skill