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B1 class, U-5 revision quiz

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Make a sentence by using "calm".
Free answer
Make a sentence by using "confident about".
Free answer
Make a sentence by using "delighted about".
Free answer
Make a sentence by using "disappointed with"
Free answer
Make a sentence by using "excited about".
Free answer
The last day of the summer t___________ is June 30th this year.
An e_____ always has an introduction, and a conclusion.
Yes, it's the last day of school. I know you are e______. I am too!
I know you are b________, but you could pretend to be interested in my lessons.
I'm not sure what to do next. An art c____ or drama?
Use the prompts. Make a sentence with Past perfect.(Harry/ stomachache/ ate too much ice cream)
Harry had a stomachache because/ since/ as he had eaten too much ice cream)
Use the prompts. Make a sentence with Past perfect. (Frank/ worried/ lost his phone)
Frank was worried because/ since/ as he had lost his phone.
Use the prompts. Make a sentence with Past perfect.(Hannah/ delighted/ won the race)
Hanna was delighted because/ since/ as she had won the race.
_____________ the instructions correctly? (follow)
Have you followed
He ___________ delighted about winning the maths competition. (look)
She_____________ hockey for the school team since she was in Class 7. (play)
's played/ has played
Anna _________ her leg skateboarding at the weekend. (break)
Carmen and Samuel ________________ the cake yet, but they made it yesterday.(decorate)
hasn't decorated
__________ a comment on my photo late last night?(post)
Did you post
We ________________ calm when we went into the cave. we don't like dark spaces.(be)
weren't/ were not
I __________________ to Florida lots of times, and I'm going again next year.(be)
've been/ have been