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Belief systems

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where are Muslims guided to visit at least once
The crescent and the star belongs to what religion?
The "Dharma wheel" belongs to what religion?
The "Om" symbol belongs to what religion?
Place of worship for Hinduism
The place of worship for Buddhism?
The doctrine or belief in one supreme god.
Followers of Islam are called?
TRUE OR FALSE: Hindus' belief that there is one god but in many different forms?
What is the difference between a religion and a philosophy?
Religions have a belief in a supreme being, or God(s), while philosophies do not.
Who is considered the founder of Islam?
Prophet Muhammad
What is the Holy Book of Islam?
Confucius preached strict social order, including the idea that women were ___ than men.
What are the Five Pillars of Islam
Shahadah, Salat, Zakat, Sawm, Hajj
What is the Holy Book of Buddhism?
Who is the founder of Hinduism?
We don't know
Buddha said that to end suffering, one must follow the what?
The Eightfold Path
Which two belief systems that we studied are considered philosophies more so than religions and why?
Buddhism and Confucianism. They don't have a belief in a God or God(s), just belief on how one should live their own lives.
According to Hinduism, what happens happens once a soul has gone through all the cycles of reincarnation?
The soul becomes one with Brahman - Moksha (Nirvana)
Polytheism means...
belief in many gods
Islam considers which two religions "People of the Book"?
Judaism and Christinaity
India gave birth to two of our Belief Systems. Which two belief systems were they?
Hinduism and Buddhism
Who is considered the founder of Buddhism?
Siddharta Gautama AKA Buddha
What popular idea of Hinduism did Buddhism reject?
The Caste System