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Barbie movie Vocabulary words

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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upper thigh where your skin becomes lumpy because the fat
bruise on skin that appears everywhere
dry skin on the upper thigh
marks on your thigh when you loose weight
a way of criticizing people or ideas in a humorous way
embarrassing someone
use of words that are opposite of what you mean
saying something the opposite in order to hurt someone
inner conflict that a person questions about identity
a time of intense difficulty or danger
making someone feeling dejected and unhappy
struggle during a transition in life
Believing all people have equal rights and opportunities
Believing military should rule the country
Believing private companies have a say in law
Believing government should provide welfare
a system of society or government rule by men
a system of society or government rule by women
a system of society or government rule by voting
a system of society or government rule by the rich
a system of society or government ruled by a woman or women.
a system of society or government ruled by men and women
a system of society or government ruled by voting.
a system of society or government ruled by private company
Where two people exchange their usual duties or positions
Able to replace another person
Characteristic that people usually expect from person
Getting ready to be in a play
A economic system, production is privately owned and operate
A system where government owns property everyone is equal
A political system where government run by people. Voting
A government is rule by a single person. Kings/ Queens
A perfect society in where people work together
A very bad or unfair society where people suffer
Able to be improved or made perfect
A economic system, production is privately owned and operate
Characteristic that people usually expect from person
A piece of electrical equipment for playing music, listening
A set idea that people have about what someone or something
Characters that you see alot