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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is 1 thing that still bothers you that you hope will improve in the future?
Would you go to therapy again in the future if you needed to talk about something?
What about your life has improved since we started sessions?
Name 1 thing you are hoping for in the future.
What would you say to another kid who was going through the same problems that brought you to therapy or felt the same way you did when you started therapy?
Name 2 things you are thankful for.
Name 2 people who can support you when are you are upset or stressed.
Name 1 thing about yourself you are proud of.
Name 1 thing you disliked about therapy or something you found hard about therapy.
Name 2 of your favorite things we did in therapy.
Name 2 things you learned in therapy.
Name 3 coping strategies you can use if you feel angry, nervous, anxious, or upset.
Name 5 feelings.