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Which country is next to Mexico on the north?
George Washington
Who was the first president in The USA
What language do people speak in China?
What's the most famous dish in the Mexican culture?
Enrique Peña Nieto
Who was the last Mexican President before AMLO?
Charles Darwin
Who is the author of The Origin of Species?
Red, white and green.
What are the colors of the Mexican flag?
The Amazon river.
What is the longest river in the world?
It occurred on April 25 and 26, 1986,
When did the Chernobyl disaster occur?
It's the Cherry tree
What is the national flower in Japan?
There are 365 days
how many days are in a year?
It has 12 months
How many months does a year have?
It has 24 hours
How many hours does a day have?
It has 8 legs.
How many legs does a spider have?
In Paris
Where is the Eiffel tower?
In November 9th 1989.
When did the Berlín wall fall?
Guadalupe Victoria
who was the first president of México?
Red, yellow and blue
what are the primary colors ?
There are 118
How Many elements are in the periodic tablet?
What is the world's largest country ?