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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There are _____ schools and hospitals in the city. A. many; B. much; C. lots of; D. a lot of (You can choose more than one answers)
A, C & D
My city has too many _____. A. noise; B. fresh air; C. pollution D. children
D. children
My city has too much _____. A. people; B. vehicles; C. noise; D. dogs
C. noise
This town has ____ people. A. many; B. much; C. lots of; D. a lot of (You can choose more than one answers)
A, C & D
There ___ enough books to read. A. isn't; B. aren't
B. aren't
There ___ enough food to eat. A. isn't;  B. aren't
A. isn't
There ___ enough rooms to sleep. A. isn't;  B. aren't
B. aren't
There ___ enough money to buy. A. isn't;  B. aren't
A. isn't
There ___ enough time to play. A. isn't;  B. aren't
A. isn't
There are _____ vehicles in my hometown. A. too many; B. too much
There are too many vehicles in my hometown.
There is _____ noise in my neighborhood. A. too many; B. too much
There is too much noise in my neighborhood.
There is _____ pollution in the big city. A. too many; B. too much
There is too much pollution in the big city.
There are _____ babies in my bedroom. A. too many; B. too much
There are too many babies in my bedroom.
There are _____ toys on the floor. A. too many; B. too much
There are too many toys on the floor.
There is _____ sugar in the pot. A. too many; B. too much
There is too much sugar in the pot.
There are _____ people in the room. A. too many; B. too much
There are too many people in the room.
There are _____ cars on the road. A. too many; B. too much
There are too many cars on the road.
There is _______ work to do. A. too many; B. too much
There is too much work to do.