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Who was an American singer, songwriter, dancer, known as the "King of Pop"?
This is the pride of Vietnam sports. She has been named by the international press as a “steel woman” in the “blue race”, who has contributed to lifting Vietnamese swimming to a new height.
Ánh Viên
She is an English actress and activist. She was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time magazine in 2015. She also took a role in "Harry Potter".
Emma Watson
She's a rapper, singer and song writer. She used to rap for President Barack Obama at a Q&A session with young leaders in Ho Chi Minh City.
Suboi (Hàng Lâm Trang Anh)
She is one of Miss Universe Vietnam and she's named in the top 50 most influential women in Vietnam by Forbes.
H'Hen Nie
This is an actress, film producer who has made important changes to Vietnamese film industry, especially action movies and bring Vietnamese films to the world.
Ngo Thanh Van
This is a Vietnamese poet who is known as ‘The Queen of Nom Poetry'. She is honoured as one of world cultural icons by UNESCO.
Ho Xuan Huong
She is a Vietnamese who is honoured as one of 25 most powerful women in Asia. She is the only billionaire woman in Vietnam at present.
Nguyen Thi Phuong Thao
What is Amelia Earhart famous for?
the first female aviator (pilot) to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean
Who is she?
Vo Thi Sau
How long had Queen Elizabeth II been sitting on the throne?
70 years (1952 - 2022)
In which fields did Marie Curie win the Nobel Prizes?
Physics and Chemistry
She is an author and also a film producer. One of her famous novels is Harry Potter. She's ____________
J.K Rowling (Joanne Rowling)
What is special about this Master Chef USA?
She is blind.