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Google Docs

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Differentiate between bulleted list and numbered list
Bulleted list - every line gets a bullet, eg. arrows, circles, squares. Numbered list - every line gets a number, eg. 1, i, a
Define Line Spacing
Line spacing is the height of each line in the paragraph 1.15 line spacing is the default size.
Define text alignment
Text can be aligned to the left, right, center or justify. By default, text in Google docs is left aligned but this can be changed.
What is paint format?
Paint format is used to format text. It is located on the toolbar in the shape of a paintbrush. It allows you to copy the formatting of the text.
Differentiate between font face and font style
Font face - look of the text, eg. Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman. Font style - used to emphasize text, eg. B, U, I
Differentiate between header and footer
A header is text that is added to the top margin of every page. A footer is text that is added to the bottom margin of every page. Steps to add.
What are the steps to insert an image?
The steps to insert an image are...
Which two keys can you use to remove the text that you have typed?
Backspace and delete
When selection text, how do you select whole word, whole paragraph and whole document?
Whole word- double click on the word, whole paragraph - triple click within the paragraph, whole document - CTRL + A
What is the mouse pointer?
The mouse pointer is in the shape of a thin I. It becomes a pointing hand when we bring it near the tool bar.
What is the insertion pointer?
It is the black vertical blinking line on your page. It shows you where you can start writing or insert an image/table etc. You can move it.
Name the eight important elements of Google Docs
1. Title, 2. Ribbon, 3. Toolbar, 4. Horizontal scrollbar, 5. Vertical scrollbar, 6. Shortcut menu, 7. Insertion Pointer, 8. Mouse Pointer
True or false - Google Docs are autosaved
What are the steps to start a Google Doc?
The steps to start a Google Doc are...
What is Google Docs?
Google Docs is an online word processor that lets you create and format documents while working with other people on the same file.