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Vocabulary: food taste and texture
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How would you describe this food item?
earthy, herby, grassy, bitter, crunchy
How would you describe this food item?
spicy, fiery, pungent, peppery, scorching
How would you describe this food item?
tender, umami, savoury, delicate, fishy
How would you describe this food item?
dense, rich, thick, creamy, heavy, light
What words can we use to describe carbonated drinks?
fizzy, bubbly
What words can we use to describe the texture of pastry?
flaky, crumbly, delicate
What words do we use to describe the taste of mint?
cooling, refreshing, minty
What words are commonly used to describe coffee?
bitter, sour, fruity, nutty, winey, floral, smoky, herby, mellow
What words are used to describe the taste of mushrooms?
earthy, umami, woodsy, meaty
What words are used to describe pleasantly burnt food?
ashy, charred, scotched, seared
What words are used to describe food with a soft texture?
mushy, pulpy, squashy, pappy
What words are often use to describe food with no taste?
bland, dull, under-seasoned, insipid, tasteless, flavourless
What words can we use to describe food that is full of flavour?
zesty, flavourful
What words can we use to describe acidic food?
tart, tangy, sour, sharp, citrusy
What are some other words to describe food with a very smooth texture?
silky, velvety
What are some words to describe food that smells nice?
aromatic, fragrant
What are some other words to describe food that is full of juice?
juicy, succulent
What are some words to describe food that has a light texture?
airy, fluffy, pillowy
What words can we use to describe food that is no longer fresh?
stale, rotten, rancid, decayed
What are some other words to describe salty food?
briny, savoury
What are some other words for spicy?
hot, fiery, peppery
What are some other words to describe food with a dense and sticky texture?
gooey, viscous
Which word is often used to describe food that is hard but is easily broken?
crispy, brittle
Which word is often used to describe firm food that makes a loud noise when eaten?
crunchy, crusty