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Full Blast 6. Round-up 4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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It was ____ (beautiful) caravan I've ever seen!
It was THE MOST BEAUTIFUL caravan I've ever seen!
Life in the town is as ______ (peaceful) as life in the country.
Life in the town is as PEACEFUL as life in the country.
Becky isn’t as____ (lazy) as her cousin Ben.
Becky isn’t as lazy as her cousin Ben.
There is a car park NEXT TO/THROUGH the shopping centre.
There is a car park NEXT TO the shopping centre.
My school is ____ (far) place from my flat in the city.
My school is the farthest place from my flat in the city.
Cable cars are _____ (popular) than buses in the mountains.
Cable cars are MORE POPULAR than buses in the mountains.
The Sun is ____(exciting) star in our solar system.
The Sun is the most exciting star in our solar system.
The house is ____ (big) than the flat.
The house is BIGGER than the flat.
Where is the rabbit?
Between the cats
____borrow your car tonight, Lucy?
Choose the odd one. train station - airport - stadium - moon
Choose the odd one. block of flats - Earth - galaxy - star
block of flats
Choose the odd one. tree house - city - caravan - block of flats
Choose the odd one. out of - behind - towards - past
Choose the odd one. footbridge - bus stop - florist's - stop sign
Choose the odd one. travel agent’s - chemist’s - post office - borrow