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Conjunctions Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Use one of the following conjunctions: OR, BUT, SO, AND The feijoa (pineapple guava) tree has beautiful flowers, ____ you can eat the fruit.
The feijoa (pineapple guava) tree has beautiful flowers, AND you can eat the fruit.
Use one of the following conjunctions: OR, BUT, SO, AND The old tree was dead, ____ we had to cut it down.
The old tree was dead, SO we had to cut it down.
Use one of the following conjunctions: OR, BUT, SO, AND On Sundays, I like to work in the garden ____ go for a hike.
On Sundays, I like to work in the garden OR go for a hike.
Use one of the following conjunctions: OR, BUT, SO, AND Grass looks pretty, _____ it needs a lot of water.
Grass looks pretty, BUT it needs a lot of water.
Write a sentence with SINCE The atmosphere is getting warmer. Some glaciers have started to melt.
Since the atmosphere is getting warmer, some glaciers have started to melt.
Write a sentence with SINCE Airplanes shouldn't fly near active volcanoes. They can erupt at any time.
Airplanes shouldn't fly near active volcanoes since they can erupt at any time.
Write a sentence with SINCE The sky filled with ash. Many flights were cancelled.
Since the sky filled with ash, many flights were cancelled.
Write a sentence with BECAUSE You cannot see the volcano. It is under the glacier.
You cannot see the volcano because it is under the glacier.
Write a sentence with BECAUSE The island has no fresh water. Nobody lives there.
Because the island has no fresh water, nobody lives there.
Write a sentence with BECAUSE Cats can hunt at night. They have excellent night vision.
Cats can hunt at night because they have excellent night vision.
Make a sentence using ALTHOUGH He enjoyed his time in France. He didn't speak French.
Although he didn't speak French, he enjoyed his time in France.
Make a sentence using EVEN THOUGH My family is big. We live in a small house.
Even though my family is big, we live in a small house.
Make a sentence using EVEN THOUGH He finished the race. His leg hurt.
Even though his leg hurt, he finished the race.
Make a sentence using ALTHOUGH I asked you to stop talking. You keep talking.
Although I asked you to stop talking, you keep talking.
Make a sentence using ALTHOUGH We enjoyed our camping trip. It rained everyday.
Although it rained everyday, we enjoyed our camping trip.
Make a sentence using EVEN THOUGH The exam was difficult. I got 100%.
Even though the exam was difficult, I got 100%.