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Yearbook Terms

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What are at least 2 things the yearbook THEME should do?
Unify the book, brand the book, elicit emotional responses, be able to be represented VERBALLY and VISUALLY
What is tagging in yearbook creation?
Marking photos with names of individuals who appear in them.
What is a selective color photo?
A photo that is part black/white and part color.
What is a COB?
A cut-out background photo.
What do we call a candid shot showing emotional responses?
Action photo
What is an action photo?
A candid shot capturing the peak of action.
What is the largest type of photo on a page?
Dominant photo.
What is eyeline?
An invisible line that connects two pages and guides the reader's visual flow.
What is white space?
Planned open space on a page used to frame or highlight content.
What are dividers in a yearbook?
Pages/spreads that indicate new sections and provide continuity with the theme.
What is an opening in a yearbook?
The spread at the beginning of the book that introduces the theme.
Can photos cross the gutter in a yearbook?
Yes, as long as the subject's face is visible.
What is the gutter in a yearbook?
The spine of the yearbook where the left and right pages meet.
What is a caption in a yearbook?
It provides additional information about a photo.
What is a feature story in a yearbook?
A longer story that provides more insight and detail than a caption.
What is a subheadline in a yearbook?
It accompanies the primary headline and offers specific information and added details.
What is a headline in a yearbook?
It introduces the reader to the page by summarizing the story or highlighting its focus.
What are dividers in a yearbook?
Pages/spreads that indicate new sections and provide continuity with the theme.
What is the closing of a yearbook?
The spread that finishes the story of the year and brings closure to the book.
How can graphics be used in a yearbook?
To emphasize specific areas within designs.
What is a theme in a yearbook?
A central idea or concept that sets the tone for the yearbook.
What are chronological yearbooks?
Yearbooks that progress through time.
What is included in the people section of a yearbook?
School 'mug shots' of all students and staff in the school.
What should be highlighted in the student life section of a yearbook?
Activities that take place in the lives of students in and outside of school.
What should be highlighted in the sports section of a yearbook?
The athletic events of the school.
What should be highlighted in the academics section of a yearbook?
Exciting and interesting things going on in the classroom.
What are the typical sections in a yearbook?
Student life, sports, academics, clubs/organizations, and people.
What is a content module (or mod) in a yearbook?
A portion of a page/spread containing a mini-design of photos/text.
What is a byline in a yearbook?
The name of the author(s) of the spread/page/mod.
What is a folio in a yearbook?
A page number with graphics or information.
What is a page in a yearbook?
A single page of content with the opposite page featuring a different topic.
What is a double page spread (DPS) in a yearbook?
Two facing pages telling a story.
What is an endsheet in a yearbook?
The heavy paper between the cover and the first and last pages.
What is the cover of a yearbook?
The front lid, back lid, and spine that showcase the year's theme.