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Moses Review

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Who did God promise to send with Moses on this mission?
Moses's brother, Aaron
What was the third sign (miracle) that God promised he would do to show the leaders of Israel that He was with Moses?
God promised to turn water from the Nile into blood.
What was the third sign (miracle) that God promised he would do to show the leaders of Israel that He was with Moses?
God promised to turn water from the Nile into blood.
What was the second sign (miracle) that God gave Moses?
God made Moses's arm diseased (and then healed it).
What was the first sign (miracle) that God gave Moses?
God turned Moses's staff into a snake (and back again).
Why didn't Moses want to go on the mission God had for him? (two reasons)
(1) He thought no one would listen. (2) He wasn't good at speaking.
Why did Moses take off his shoes at the burning bush?
He was on holy ground (and God told him to).
What was Moses' new job after he left the palace?
Where did Moses go after he left Pharaoh's palace?
Why did Moses run away from Pharaoh's palace?
He killed an Egyptian who was hurting one of the Israelites.
Who said it? “Take this baby and feed him for me. I’ll pay you.”
Pharaoh's daughter
Who said it? “Do you want me to go and get one of the Hebrew women? She could breast-feed the baby for you.”
Miriam (Moses's sister)
Who found Moses in the river?
Pharaoh's daughter
How did Moses's mother protect him?
She put him in a basket in the river.
What two plans did Pharaoh make to weaken the Israelites?
(1) make them work very hard as slaves (2) kill the baby boys
Why was the new Pharaoh afraid of the Israelites?
There were many Israelites, and they could challenge his power.
Who was the first descendent of Abraham to live in Egypt?