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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She .......................... him
used to love
used to loved
didn't use to loved
didn't used to love
We ............................. in the rain when we were young.
used to play
didn't used to play
used to played
use to play
The girls .................... their mother in the kitchen
used to help
didn't used to help
used to helped
didn't use to
She .................... eating salad;
used to hate
used hate
didn't used to hate
didn't use hate
She ........................ jelly when she was young
didn't use to like
didn´t used to like
use to like
used like
Albert Einstein;.................... a bike.
used to ride
did use to rode
used to rode
didn't used to ride
Mum ...................... Coke when she was young
didn't use to drink
didn't used to drink
didn't used to drank
used to drank
He .................................. tennis 12 years ago
used to play
did use to played
used to played
did not used to play
Did she ....................... ride a brown horse?
use to
used to
uses to
The girls .......................... drink orange juice 5 years ago.
used to
didn't used to 
use to 
didn't use
We ............... play cards when we were 7 years old
used to
didn't used
use to
Ann .......................... type her homework in her laptop when she was 12.
didn't use to
use to
didn't use
They ....... ............ have a computer when they were 12.
didn't use to
didn't used to
did use to