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Oh Write!: Lesson 14. Once Upon a Time

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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True or false: He is from Doraemon.
False. He is from Ninja Hattori.
True or False: This is Bart Simpson.
If this happened 1,500 years ago. Then, in what year did this story happened? (2023)
In year 523.
True or False: Fa Hai was a teacher.
False. He was a monk.
Where was Susan imprisoned?
Under the Jin Shan temple.
How long did Fa Hai fought Susan and Sam?
For 3 days and nights.
Who came to separate Susan and Sam?
Fa Hai.
True or False: Susan White was a purple snake.
Who saved Susan White’s life?
Sam Xu
What is Susan White’s animal spirit?
Snake spirit.
Who was the white snake?
Susan White
What color was the snake?