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IB Learner profiles

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Praneesh takes good care of the trees and plants around his home and also does not throw garbage in the streets. He is
Harsith accepts the thoughts and ideas of others while working in his group and he gives equal chance for everyone in his group. He is
Though Anish was scared and it was dangerous to climb the tree, Anish climbed the tree to save his pet cat. He is a
Risk taker
Dakshan goes for jogging, does meditation to calm his mind and also eats healthy food to be physically and mentally fit. He is
Abei checks the feedback given while doing her homework and reworks the corrections told to make her work a good one. She is
Krishiv listens carefully to the feedback, tries to apply those and improve his work. He checks what went wrong and what went right.. He is
Samyuktha accepts the thoughts and ideas of others and she accepts everyone while playing. She is
Ranga Hasini narrates stories beautifully with expression and conveys her thoughts and ideas. She is a
Pranav does all his home work properly, listens attentively in the class and always makes the right choice. He is
Chendhoor thinks carefully and plans how to convert his toy car into a remote control car. He is a
Sivaanjani knows all the addition and subtraction facts so she can solve any problem given to her with ease. She is
Aadhi loves to race and he loves to go at top speed during the turns though it is dangerous. He is a
Risk taker
Jaisri is curious and she keeps asking questions to learn more. What learner profile does she exhibit?
Ritish does exercise to keep fit, eats healthy food and also reads a lot to gain more knowledge. What learner profile does he exhibit?
Sanchiv loves to share his thoughts and ideas with others. He is good at compering (giving running commentary). What learner profile does he exhibit?
Adya is a kind girl. She takes good care of her younger brother when her mother is not around. What learner profile does she exhibit?