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History 46 Alfred the Great and England

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Who's this? Where do we get our historical information about him?
King Alfred "the Great"; the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle.
What was the Burh System?
Fortified cities+towns with strong wooden walls so everyone in Alfred's kingdom had a position they could quickly retreat into and fight the Vikings/invaders.
What was the Danelaw?
Anglo-Saxon lands conquered and rule over by Scandinavian warriors.
What was the Great Heathen Army? Tell us two things about it.
Army of Scandinavian warriors invaded England AD 865; not raiders: wanted to conquer the 4 Anglo-Saxons kingdoms; landed East Anglia; Guthrum, etc.
What was the Witan? How did succession work in medieval England?
Council of noble elders; successor chosen by Witan from among royal family.
What happened at Lindisfarne? When? Why was it significant?
Viking raid on an English monastery; AD 793; beginning of the "Viking Age", Vikings became aware of what Great Britain had to offer them.
What do these maps show? Explain.
The Heptarchy fought amongst themselves until only four kingdoms remained prior to the invasion of the Great Heathen Army.
In what ways were Charlemagne and Alfred the Great similar? Name two, or name one and explain in detail.
Renaissance, Christianity, united kingdom, respected kings, "fathers" of future nations, etc.
What three parts do historians typically divide the Middle Ages into? Roughly what years correspond to each?
Early (476-1000), High (1000-1300), Late (1300-1453).
Tell us three things about the Early Middle Ages.
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