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What is required to document the birth in land or sea?
CBP would need to get the medical or master captain log and it must reflect time, latitude, and longitude when the birth occured.
Are US airspace birth rights limited to within 10, 12, 14, or 16 1/2 nautical miles?
True or false? If a child was born on a foreign merchant ship or privately owned ship within twelve nautical miles; is the child a US citizen?
Leticia is from Budapest. One day an American FSO walks into her flower shop and they fall in love. They get married. He is set to return to the USA in one month. Is Leticia able to get citizenship through her newly found love?
Yes, if she meets all requirements. she does not need to be physically present. Per FAM 301.8-4(b)
True or False? the Department of Labor and Commerce’s Bureau of Immigration and Naturalization can issue certificates of naturalization
Which number must be recorded for all certificates of citizenship?
alien number
Which CRBA requires you to record the issue date?
What year was the first CRBA issued?
What are the three CRBA Forms you will see the most? (3)
FS-240, DS-1350, FS-545