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Chapter 18 & 19

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When did the Battle of Uhud happen?
23 March 625 AD
When did the Battle of Badr took place?
13 March 624 AD
Who were the Ansars?
Muslims living in Medina who helped the Muhajiruns by welcoming them in there homes and sharing their belongings with them.
Who were the Muhajirun?
Immigrants from Mecca
What was the migration from Mecca to Madina called?
When did Battle of Badr take place?
After permission was given to Muslims to defend themselves.
Was there an Agreement of Citizenship between Muslims, the idol worshippers and the Jewish tribes?
What important principles of Islam became obligatory within the second year of the great migration?
Fasting, Zakah, Sadaqah al-Fitr, Qurban Sacrifice and Eid prayers
How long did the Prophet stay with Abu Ayyub al-Ansari's house?
6 months
Where did the Prophet stay until his house was built?
At Abu Ayyub al-Ansari's house
How many stages were there to banning alcohol?
Who called the first Adhan?
Bilal (R.A)
Where was the original Qiblah facing towards?
Masjid Al-Aqsa in Jerusalem
Who did the prophet travel with from Mecca to Madina?
Abu Bakr Siddiq (R.A)