Edit Game
REVIEW - Units 3, 4 & 5

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's the difference between these 2 sentences? "They aren't going to stay very long" VS "They won't stay very long"
In the first sentence, that is their intention. In the second sentence, I predict that situation.
How many ways do we have to express the future?
7: Present simple, present continuous, will, be going to, may/might, future continuous, future perfect
How do we form the second conditional?
If + past simple, would + infinitive
How do we form the first conditional?
If + present simple, will + infinitve
Name the global issue
Name the global issue
Name the global issue
Name the global issue
Name the global issue
Name the global issue
Which are the different parts of an opinion essay?
1) Introduction 2) Opinion, reason and example 3) Opinion, reason and example 4) Conclusion (summary of the reasons)
How do we form the future perfect?
will/won't + have + past participle form of the verb (3rd column)
How do we form the future continuous?
will/won't + be + verb (-ing)
My skin is so i _ _ _ _ ! I can't stop scratching it.
Does your finger hurt? Yes, it's very P _ _ _ _ _ _
I can't feel my feet, they are completely: N _ _ _
Name the health problem
Name the health problem
Stomach ache
Name the health problem
Name the health problem
Name the health problem
Make the sentence using present perfect simple: you / ever / ride / a mountain bike?
Have you ever ridden a mountain bike?
Make the sentence using present perfect simple: she / not win / any games / yet
She hasn't won any games yet.
Make the sentence using present perfect simple: I / never / swim / in the sea
I have never swum in the sea.
Can we use state verbs (be, have, like, believe) with the present perfect continuous?
Say the verb: to move from a dangerous place to a safer one
Say the verb: To add a substance which makes something dirty or poisonous
What's the difference between these 2 sentences? "I have done my homework" VS "I have been doing my homework"
The former focuses on the action that finished recently, and the latter emphasizes the activity itself
How do we form the present perfect continuous?
have/has + been + verb (-ing)
How do we form the present perfect simple?
have/has + past participle of the verb (3rd column)