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What do people do on weekends?

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What did Sharon and her friends drink?
What time did Sharon leave the bar?
At 12.00
How did Sharon and her friends go home?
By car
What did Sharon, Nicole and Hujia talk about?
They talked about their love lives, fashion and literature.
What kind of restaurant was Pink Loft?
A Thai restaurant
Do women drink alcohol in Beijing?
Sharon and her friends are from...
Where did Sharon go?
She went to Pink Loft.
How did Sabina and her friends go home?
By taxi
What time did Sabina and her friends get home?
At 2.00
What did Sabina, Lali and Anna talk about?
They talked about Lali's problems.
What did they eat?
Coffee, apple cake and wine
Sabina wore...
a black sweater and trousers