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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Don't turn off the lights please. He said.
He asked me not to turn the lights.
Continue writing! She said.
She told me to continue writing!
Will you marry me? He said.
He asked me to marry him.
Would you help me with this exercise? She said.
She asked me to help her with that exercise.
Can you show me the your photo album, please? He said.
He asked me to show him my photo album.
Can you open the door please? He said.
He asked me to open the door.
I would like you to make dresses for the scene like the ones in the paintings. She said.
She asked me to make dresses for the scene like the ones in the paintings.
Please don't use bright colors.
He asked me not to use bright colors.
Wold you write a new version of the scene?
She asked me to write a new version of the scene.
Can I have a newspaper please? He said.
He asked for a newspaper.
May I have a glass of water? He said.
He asked for a glass of water.
Can I have an apple? She said.
She asked for an apple.
Could you please be quiet.
She asked me to be quiet.
Don't smoke here!
He told me not to smoke here.
You must make the bed before you go to work! (Ana to Mark)
She told him to make the bed before he went to work
Eat your food now!
She told me to eat my food right then
He told me to stop
Don't move!
She told me not to move!
Get out of the car!
He told me to get out of the car
Stop Smoking!
He told me to stop smoking!
Go away!
She told me to go away