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Review Unit 4

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My brother is angry with me. He says, I ________ (break) his Ipad. But I _______ _______ (touch) it! It`s not my _______
My brother is angry with me. He says, I broke his Ipad. But I didn`t touch it! It`s not my fault!
The driver got ill so I ________ to school ___ bus yesterday.
The driver got ill so I came to school by bus yesterday.
Missis Lisa _________ us how to write a postcard yesterday
Missis Lisa taught us how to write a postcard yesterday
Last year we _______ in the UK. But this year we are at home.
Last year we were in the UK. But this year we are at home.
Brothers Klichko are _________. One of the siblings is even a mayor of Kiev.
Brothers Klichko are Ukranian. One of the siblings is even a mayor of Kiev.
Last week we __________ watch a film, because we _______ very cheeky students
Last week we couldn`t watch a film, because we were very cheeky students
You may think that Morgenshtern comes from Germany. But he isn`t __________, he`s _____________.
You may think that Morgenshtern comes from Germany. But he isn`t German, he`s Russian.
Morgenshtern __________ as a car-cleaner and a delivery guy
Morgenshtern __________ as a car-cleaner and a delivery guy
In his school years, Morgenshtern ________ interested in skateboarding.
In his school years, Morgenshtern was interested in skateboarding.