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British and Canadian Culture
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When is Canada Day usually celebrated?
1st of July
Whatr is the currency of Canada?
Canadian Dollar
In typical Canadian gify-giving, do not give ______ _______ as they are used at funerals.
white lilies
In Quebec, it is usual to ______ _______ on each cheek as they do in France.
kiss once
One popular food in Canada is "______", which originates from Quebec and consists of French fries and cheese topped with brown gravy.
In Canada, children under the age of ______ cannot be charged with a criminal offence although parents can be made financially responsible for their behaviour.
In Canada, the medical profession tends to be dominated by men whilst women are more representative in _______/________ ________.
nursing / nurturing roles
The Canadian flag, known unofficially as ‘The Maple’ means ‘___ _____ _____’.
the one leaf
What is the capital of Canada?
The national anthem for Canada is ‘O Canada’ the lyrics of which were originally in ______ until the English version was introduced in 1906
The British rely on ______, rather than emotions, to make decisions.
What is the UK etiquette when greeting? (Be specific!)
To shake hands with all those present, even children.
The _________ ________ and _______ and _________ are the most iconic dishes in the UK.
English Breakfast, Fish and Chips
Also known as "The Upper Class" (which is the class on top of UK's pecking order)
In the UK, there remains a commitment for younger family to take care of ________ __________.
elderly relatives
What happens every 26th of December in the UK?
Boxing Day
What is the official state-sanctioned religion in the UK?
Church of England (which is of the Christian Protestant faith)
What is the second most spoken, non-native language in the UK?
What is the capital of the UK?
What is the currency of the UK?
Pound Sterling, known as the Pound or Great British Pound (GBP)
____ _____ ___ ____ is the patriotic song dedicated to the reigning monarch of The United Kingdom.
God Save The King