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Bran Nue Dae

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What does Uncle Tadpole point at the VW Combi to make it break down?
A bone
Willy hitches a ride - where are the football team going to?
Port Hedland
What is the name of Willy's mum?
Theresa Johnson
yWhat is the name of the girl hippie travelling with Slippery?
Besides Jessica Mauboy, which other female singer appears in the film?
Missy Higgins
Who plays the character of Rosie?
Jessica Mauboy
What is the name of the song the boys sing in the Church?
There's Nothing I Would Rather Be
After getting drunk, where does Willy end up?
At the condom tree
What country was Slippery born in?
Who is the director of Bran Nue Dae?
Rachel Perkins
What town is Willy from?
Broome, Western Australia
What is the name of Willy's Uncle?
Uncle Tadpole
How does Uncle Tadpole get a lift to Broome?
He pretends to be hit by VW Combi van.
What is written on Father Benedictus' paddle?
Thou shalt not steal
What do the boys steal from the kitchen at the boarding school?
Coca Cola and Cherry Ripes
What vehicle does Slippery drive?
VW Combi Van
Who is Slippery's father?
Father Benedicturs
What is the name of the girl Willy is in love with?
What is the name of the priest?
Father Benedictus
What is the name of the main character?