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In this country first three day of the school year there are no lessons - only games and fun.
Saudi Arabia
The school year starts in the end of January. They don't celebrate the beginning of the school year, but they celebrate its ending.
Students each bring a single flower for the teacher on the first day of school (on the 1st of September). The teacher then gathers all the flowers together to make a bouquet.
School year starts 1st week of September each year and finishes beg-mid July (in private schools), mid-end July (in public schools). There were no real celebrations for beginning of the school year
the UK
Kids go shopping for a new “work smock” or grembiule which is worn by children over their clothes in primary school.
Lucky children receive a schuletuete, which translates to “school bag.” But this is no backpack! Schultuetes are cone-shaped packages with school supplies and candy, to make the school year sweet!
Most kids wear a new, first day of school outfit and pose for a picture, sometimes holding a sign which has the grade they are entering written on it.
First day of school is in the July. Kids get presents from their parents - an umbrella, because it's a rainy season(moonson)
In this country, the school year is the longest - 250 days!
Students entering school for the first time receive their randoseru, a hard-sided leather backpack with school supplies and origami paper.