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CEI L3 Week 15

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In the old days, people ______ (DIDN'T EAT / DON'T EAT) fast food.
In the old days, people DIDN'T EAT fast food.
In the old days, you _____ (CAN / COULD) phone people only when they were at home.
In the old days, you COULD phone people only when they were at home.
In the old days, people _____ (WRITE / WROTE) letters. Now, people _____ (WRITE / WROTE) emails.
In the old days, people WROTE letters. Now, people WRITE emails.
In the old days, people _______ (DIDN'T HAVE / DIDN'T HAD) cell phones.
In the old days, people DIDN'T HAVE cell phones.
Nobody _____ (HAVE / HAD) a computer in the old days.
Nobody HAD a computer in the old days.
Now, people buy milk in the supermarket. In the old days, people bought milk from the ________.
In the old days, people bought milk from the MILKMAN
In the old days, there ____ (WERE / WAS) only small shops. Now, there _____ (ARE / IS) shopping malls..
In the old days, there WERE only small shops. Now, there ARE shopping malls..
In the old days, there ____ (WERE / WAS) more horses. Now, there ____ (ARE / IS) cars.
In the old days, there WERE more horses. Now, there ARE cars.