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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Have you completed your home work
Have you completed your home work?
He is my best friend
He is my best friend.
I have two pencils Do you have an eraser
I have two pencils. Do you have an eraser?
Today is Thursday Can I go to the park
Today is Thursday. Can I go to the park?
How old are you
How old are you?
My mother cooked some soup salad and sandwiches for supper
My mother cooked some soup, salad and sandwiches for supper.
We live in Hyderabad
We live in Hyderabad.
What do you like to eat
What do you like to eat?
Do you have any money
Do you have any money?
My new bike is so slow
My new bike is so slow.
Are the children ready for the test
Are the children ready for the test ?
Christina and her sister are going to the mall next week
Christina and her sister are going to the mall next week.
I like to eat chips pizza and burger
I like to eat chips ,pizza and burger.
Jia Priya Rahul and I are good friends
Jia, Priya ,Rahul and I are good friends.
Are you going for Deeya's birthday party
Are you going for Deeya's birthday party?
I must hurry up The store will close shortly
I must hurry up. The store will close shortly.
Would you like to eat some cupcakes
Would you like to eat some cupcakes?
We have a new car It is red in colour
We have a new car. It is red in colour.
Because of corona virus schools are closed
Because of corona virus, schools are closed.
When frogs are colorful they are often poisonous
When frogs are colorful, they are often poisonous.
What your favourite colour
Where is the umbrella
Before the clock struck twelve Cinderella had to be home
Before the clock struck twelve, Cinderella had to be home.
When I get up in the morning I am hungry
When I get up in the morning, I am hungry.