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Food & Drink

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Sing a song from Adeaze
Sing 20 seconds of a song with the word "TURN"
Please do this tik tok.."duduke"
Finish the lyrics of this song composed by Ezra Tauaa. "..woke up to your message just this morning then I started crying even without yawning.."
".. I never thought I'd get this message for a long time.. I always used to think you'd always be mine"
L&P is a soft drink. What does it stand for?
Lemon and Paeroa
'Poi e' is featured in what movie?
Sing 15 SECONDS of a song that has the word "LOVE"
Michael Jackson is the King of...
King of Pop
Is tomato a fruit or vegetable?
It is a FRUIT, this is because they form from a flower and contains seeds.
What is Otai? And where this dish originate from?
Otai originates from the Island of Tonga. It is made from a mixture of water, coconut and a variety of tropical fruits.
Funafuna usually has what inside.. and where does this dish originate from?
Jam or nutella.. and it originates from the Island of Tuvalu
Sapasui is a dish eaten by..
Name at least three main fast food restaurants in Oamaru..
McDonalds / Dominoes / KFC / Subway ...
What is a Maori traditional meal?
Hangi / boil up
True or false.. Adeaze is a New Zealand R&B soul duo
Finish lyrics: "... Don't forget your roots my friend, don't forget torget your family.. don't forget your roots, my friend..'
"The ones who made you.. the ones who brought you here"
What is New Zealand's fruit?
What brand of tomato sauce is in this picture?
Who this New Zealand artist?
Stan Walker
Who is the primary mascot for McDonald's?
Ronald McDonald
What fast food restaurant boasts that you can "Have it your way"?
Burger King