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Compound Sentences Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When using a conjunctive adverb like "however" or "consequently," what TWO punctuation marks should you use?
semicolon and comma
When joining two sentences together with just a semicolon, should you include a conjunction like and, nor, but, or also?
When joining two sentences with a FANBOYS, what punctuation mark must you use before the conjunction?
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? I studied for my Unit 1 test; therefore, I was prepared to do my best.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? We vowed to study every day in addition we signed up for a tutor.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? I wouldn’t want to live in California; on the other hand, the weather is nice there.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? We found the meal to be inedible; in, fact we fed it to the dog.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? Kevin didn’t want to eat ice cream after the game; instead, we went out for pizza.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? James has to mow the lawn; otherwise he won’t be allowed to go out with his friends.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? Michelle drives a Jaguar; but Sonya drives a Porsche.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? Dad is going bald; his hair is getting thinner and thinner.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? The MLHS Cafeteria baked sixteen dozen chocolate chip cookies; They always sell out fast.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? He slept through his alarm luckily his first class was cancelled.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? Mr. Hantak could go fishing on Saturday; he could borrow a pole from Mr. Janousky.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? Beth earned almost $100; that was the most for any one day.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? We are going to the park and will have fun; or we will come home unhappy.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? We were going to go to the water part but it rained.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? I did everything I could, yet I still couldn’t find my dog.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? My mother wants to stay home, with me but she has to go to work.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? We wanted to have pizza, for dinner but we couldn’t afford to buy one.
Is this sentence correctly or incorrectly punctuated? It was a beautiful day, so Derek decided to ride his bicycle.