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Sentence Pattern Review

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus is Mark's favorite book. What part of the sentence is "Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus"?
Direct Objects and Indirect Objects follow what kind of verb: action or linking?
Predicate Nouns and Predicate Adjectives follow what kind of verb: action or linking?
Washington, D.C., is a fascinating city for visitors. What part of the sentence is the word "city"?
Predicate Noun
A hero of many young people is the firefighter. What part of the sentence is the word "firefighter"?
Predicate Noun
The mountain roads can be dangerous. What part of the sentence is the word "dangerous"?
Predicate Adjective
Flo feels energetic after her exercise class. What part of the sentence is the word "feels"?
That coin may be extremely valuable. What part of the sentence is the word "valuable"?
Predicate Adjective
The photographs of the volcano were marvelous. What part of the sentence is the word "marvelous"?
Predicate Adjective
The next performer will be she. What part of the sentence is the word "she"?
Predicate Noun
John F. Kennedy was a big influence on young people. What part of the sentence is "on young people"?
Prepositional Phrase
Neal Armstrong was the first person on the moon. What part of the sentence is the word "person"
Predicate Noun
Micaiah auditioned for A Raisin in the Sun. What part of the sentence is the word "auditioned"?
The wizard killed a dragon. What part of the sentence is the word "dragon"?
Direct Object
Aishwarya and Lola bought their teacher an apple. What part of the sentence is the word "apple"?
Direct Object
Aishwarya and Lola bought their teacher an apple. What part of the sentence is the word "teacher"?
Indirect Object
Javon told a story. What part of the sentence is the word "Javon"?
Aunt Edna made Armando sugar cookies. What part of the sentence is "cookies"?
Direct Object
Sasha wrote her aunt a thank-you note for the Christmas gift. What part of the sentence is "Sasha"?
Yolanda showed Jim and me her science project. What part of the sentence is "Jim and me"?
Indirect Object
Dante tossed Michael the ball. What part of the sentence is "Michael"?
Indirect Object
Jeniya frequently reads books on ancient Greece. What part of the sentence is the word "books"?
Direct Object
The farmers will plant corn in the spring. What part of the sentence is the words "in the spring"?
Prepositional Phrase
Natalie sends birthday cards to all her friends. What part of thesentence is the word "sends"?