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What is the second name for 'ping pong'
Table Tennis
In which sport can you get a 'hole in one'
Is wrestling for real?
Which is the most dangerous sport in the world?
Kick boxing
What is punishment for red card?
Player is not played in next match.
Which city does the team "the Bulls" represents in the American basketball?
Which American boxer was known as 'The Greatest'?
Muhammad Ali
Where was Usain Bolt born in
Can you demonstrate the All Blacks Haka..
What is the top ranking female sport in New Zealand measured by participants?
What sport was David Tua famous for?
True or False: Are the Silver Ferns a New Zealand Netball team?
What is the name of position one?
Point guard
Which area is Center not allowed to enter on the netball court?
Goal Shoot Area
How many defensive players are there in soccer?
In the volleyball team, what is the name of the position of player with different shirt on?
How many players in a rugby union team on the field?
What is the name of the sport?
Who did England beat in the 2019 cricket World Cup final?
New Zealand
Who this All Black player?
Sonny Bill Williams
What five colours are the five olympic rings?
Blue / Red / Yellow / Green / Black