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M5-Simplify calculations

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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There are six fields of 25 sheep. Each sheep has four legs. How many sheep's legs can the farmer count in total across all six fields?
6 x 100 = 600 legs
There are six fields of 25 sheep. Each sheep has four legs. How many sheep's legs can the farmer count in total across all six fields? Q1. Write a calculation to match the problem
6 x 25 x 4
Can you use 100 to help you simplify calculation 8 x 65 + 8 x 35?
8 x (65 + 35) = 8 x 100
Can you use 100 to help you simplify calculation 45 : 9 x 5 x 20?
45 : 9 x (5 x 20) = 5 x 100
Can you use 100 to help you simplify calculation 30 + 47 + 53 + 12?
30 + 12 + (47 + 53) = 42 + 100
Can you use 100 to help you simplify calculation 25 + 2 x 9 x 50?
25 + 9 x 2 x 50 = 25 + 9 x 100
How will you simplify your calculation 200 - 5 x 25 x 4?
200 - 5 x 100
How will you simplify your calculation 2 x 6 x 5 - 20?
2 x 5 x 6 - 20 = 10 x 6 - 20 = 60 - 20
How will you simplify your calculation? 250 + 999 + 750 + 1
(250 + 750) + (999 + 1) = 1000 + 1000
How will you simplify your calculation? 19 x 5 x 2
19 x 10