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Science Jobs - NonFiction Reading G1.8

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do plants make that helps us breathe?
TRUE or FALSE: We get some medicine from plants.
TRUE. Many plants' seeds, berries, roots, leaves & flowers have medicinal uses.
What type of plant do we make a lot of clothes with?
the cotton plant
Which job is most interesting to you? Working with plants, animals or space?
can vary
Why would a pet need to go on a special diet?
If the animal is too fat, or has special needs, it may go on a diet.
TRUE or FALSE: Vets only care for small animals?
FALSE. Vets care for both small and large animals.
What is a veterinarian? (vet)
Vets study and help animals.
Why is a botanists job important?
(( They learn about plants and we need plants to stay healthy. ))
How do plants help animals and humans?
They help us stay healthy, they give us air and food.
Name 3 things plants are used for?
food, medicine and clothes (cotton plant)
What is a baby seed called?
This is a seedling.
What do we call these?
These are seeds.
What does a botanist study?
A botanist studies plants.
What do we have today up in space that helps scientists?
The International Space Station
What tool do we use to see the sky and stars with our eyes?
a telescope
What do astronomers study?
Astronomers study what we see in the sky (planets, moons and stars).
Name at least four science areas or jobs.
vet, botanist, astronomer, ocean science, rock science, dinosaur science, computer science