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Renal System

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Where is the Bladder located
In the lower part of the tummy (abdomen) called the pelvis
Where is the Kidneys located?
Just below the rib cage, one on each side of your spine.
Your pee can indicate if you drink enough__.
The more water you drink, the darker your pee is. True or False
What is the size of the Kidneys?
Size of one's fists
Name the system on which the body filters the blood and makes urine.
Renal System (Urinary System)
What is the water-like waste of the body?
Urine (Pee)
Name the organ where you store urine.
How many urethras are there?
In what sequence does the body remove urine from the human body?
kidney → ureter → urinary bladder → urethra
In addition to water, the else is in the urine
Toxins and Salts
What is the name of the structure that leads from the bladder to the outside environment?
Which structure transports urine from the kidney to the bladder?
What is the name of stretchy, muscular organ responsible for holding urine until you decide to use the bathroom?
What organ is responsible for filtering the blood?