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Charlie and the Chocolate factory

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Charlie was with his parents at the chocolate shop.
False. He was alone.
Charlie got a tummy ache from eating too fast.
False. The shopkeeper warned him to slow down.
Charlie ate one bar of chocolate.
Charlie eats nice food often.
False. He was very hungry!
The fifty pence was wet.
True. It was desribed as 'damp'.
Charlie bought a 'chocolate heaven delight'.
False. He bought Wonka's Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight. Yum!
There were 9 ten-penny pieces left on the counter.
Charlie ate the chocolate really quickly.
True. He 'took an enormous bite' and 'wolfed' the chocoloate.
This was the first time Charlie ate a Fudgemallow Delight.
False. Charlie had one before on his birthday.
The man in the candy shop was thin and bony.
False. He was 'fat and well-fed'.