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Proficiency Warmer

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do I use the expression "but for"?
It means the same as "if it wasn't for".
The words "husky", "booming" and "whining" are all used to describe what?
Somebody's voice.
Give 2 words in English whose origin is from Spanish.
Students' own. Guitar, Mosquito
What is a "rash decision"?
A decision that has been taken too quickly without thinking enough about it.
Name 6 weapons.
Students' own: Gun, Sword, RIfle, Pistol, Axe, Bow, Cannon, Dagger, Knife...
Why would I say "mind you"?
When I want to give contrasting information to what I have just said.
Give 6 verbs of walking.
Students' own: Stroll, Limp, Totter, Stagger, Crawl, Meander, Bound, March....
Give 7 verbs of sight.
Students' own: Peer, Look, Gaze, Glare, Stare, Peep, Squint, Glimpse, Glance...
What does "under the weather" mean?
To feel a little sick or unwell.
Give 4 adverbs that are used with ungradable adjectives.
Students' own: Completely, Utterly, Totally, Absolutely, Rather, Quite...
Express this sentence as a participle clause. "Because I felt tired I went to bed."
Feeling tired, I went to bed.
GIve 6 verbs that change meaning depending if they are followed by an infinitive or a gerund.
Stop, try, forget, remember, regret, go on, mean,
Give 4 nouns that can be made from the word "short".
Students' own. Shortage, shortcoming, shortness, shortfall,
Give 5 words that collocate with "Market". They can go before or after.
Students' own. Free market, marketplace, stock market, labour market, market research...
Name 10 different crimes.
Students' own: Mugging, Robbery, Burglary, Fraud, Kidnapping, Arson, Theft, Assault, Forgery, Money Laundering, Slander...
Give an example of a mixed conditional.
Students' own. Should be a 2nd and 3rd.
What does "rekindle" mean?
To start something that had stopped again. Normally it's a relationship or a passion.
Which word collocates with "spark", "evoke" and "bring back"?
A memory