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Linguistic Politics

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name 5 of the subjects that the school offers for the IB diploma.
Spanish A, English B, History, Philosophy, Business Management, Biology, Applications and Interpretation, Visual Arts
What methodology does the school use when teaching English?
What activities does the school provide to help students in their language learning process??
Reinforcement and deeping activities and make-up activities.
Name the international proficiency exams that students must present.
All teachers have to correct language mistakes in the oral production.
Yes, unless it blocks the oral fluency of the process.
Name three aspects HS focused on when teaching a language.
Investigating, Analyzing, Thinking, Debating
Name 5 aspects that in elementary the teaching of English is focused on.
Vocabulary, spelling, correct grammar use, expressive reading, writing, listening, speaking
Which two skills are developed in Preschool?
Listening and Speaking
How many hours of Spanish, English, and French are taught?
Spanish 4, English 12, French 2-4
When teaching foreign languages, what approach does the school emphasize on?
What does Reading use to imporve reading comprehension and skills?
Reading plan
What subjects are taught in English?
English, Social Studies, Science/Biology, Leadership, Math
Which are the possible diplomas for a CIS students?
Bilingual Diploma and IB Diploma
English levels for teachers
B2 & C1
What year did the school start with the IB program?