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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The Chinese New Year is
a day when chinese people celebrate the lunar new year
When is the Chinese New Year celebrated?
January or February
Labor day is
the day when people honor the workers and celebrate the end of summer.
When is Labor Day celebrated in the United States?
on the 1st Monday of September
When is Independence Day celebrated in your country?
On September, 7th
Independence day is
the day when people celebrate the independence of their country
When is Independence Day celebrated in The United States?
On July, 4th
Father's day is
a day when people celebrate their fathers
When is Father's Day celebrated in your country?
On the second Sunday of August
Mother's Day is
a day when people celebrate their mothers
When is Mother's Day celebrated in your country?
On the second Sunday of May
April Fools' is
a day when people play tricks on each other
When is April fools celebrated?
On April, 1st
Thanksgiving is
the day when people give thanks
When is Thanksgiving celebrated in the United States?
It's celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November
Saint Patrick's day is
a day when people celebrate the Irish heritage wearing green, parading, dancing and going to parties
When is Saint Patrick's Day celebrated?
On March, 17th
Dia de Los Muertos is
a day when people remember their loved ones who have passed away
When is Dia de Los Muertos celebrated?
On November 2nd
Valentine's Day is
the day when people celebrate love.
When is Valentine Day celebrated in the United States?
On February, 14th
Martin Luther King Jr Day is
the day when people honor the life and work of the civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr
When is Martin Luther King Jr Day celebrated?
On the 3rd Monday of January