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5 themes of geography

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The Prime Meridian splits the Earth into...
East and West
The Equator splits the earth into...
North and South
Building aqueducts on the land to get water from far away places is an example of...
Human Environment Interaction
What is this?
What is this?
What is this?
The Space Needle is in Seattle, South of Everett, and West of Bellevue is an example of...
Relative Location
Plants that naturally grow in the area is called
Wearing a raincoat, rain boots, and carrying an umbrella are all examples of how people
Human Environment Interaction
US growing soybeans, apples, and oranges and selling them to China is an example of....
Surfing on the coast of Hawaii is an example of
Human Environment Interaction
The natural and human characteristics that make a place unique is...
The terrace farming (carving steps into the mountain side) in the Philippines is an example of
Human Environment Interaction
United States receiving foreign cars like BMW, Subaru, and Volkswagen are examples of
Name this continent
Name this continent
Name this continent
Name this continent
Name this continent
Mountains, deserts, valleys, plateaus, islands, and peninsulas are all types of...
terrain or topography
This theme of geography is all about how and why people, products, and ideas move across the globe.
Name this continent
Name this continent
North America
Marine, Tropical, Tundra, and Semi-Arid are types of....
This theme of geography is all about how people adapt to, use, change, and interact with where they live
Human Environment Interaction
Lake Stevens is 48N, 122W is an example of...
Absolute location
This theme of geography groups and separates areas based on commonalities like language, government, and culture