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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Look for where people unite for good, making the neighborhood better than it could. What am I?
I'm a deep breath and a peaceful place, where worries take a little space. What am I?
ook for where someone stands up tall, leading with a heart for all. What am I?
leadership skills
I'm the rulebook for the virtual land, where safety and kindness always stand. What am I?
digital citizenship
Look for the place where we find a way, to solve disagreements (arguments), come what may. What am I?
conflict resolution
Find me where love and laughter play, where we share and care with the closest people to us every day. What am I?
Family and relationships
I'm the place where we talk about today, where news and stories come our way. What am I?
Current Events and Global Issues:
Look for the place where you can express, your thoughts, your feelings, nothing's a mess. What am I?
I'm the superhero stopping mean in its tracks, making sure kindness always comes back. What am I?
Bullying prevention
I'm the magic that happens when we unite, together we're strong. What am I?
I'm invisible but strong, making sure we all get along. I help you share, listen, and talk, what am I?
Communication skills
I'm a big heart that welcomes all kinds, where we learn from each other's unique minds. What am I?
Respecting Differences:
I'm a puzzle piece that fits just right, making friends laugh and smiles take flight. What am I?
Building Friendships: