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B1 class, U-4 revision quiz

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The flight attendance is announcing that the plane will shortly be ________ at Gatwick.
This person knows a lot about a place and explains things to visitors.
Tour guide
This tells you how many pounds you can buy for your euros.
Exchange rate
This person carries all of his/ her things in a large bag and travels to different places.
A backpacker
If you had a bad accident, this will take you to the hospital quickly.
We/ not invite/ to Michael's birthday
We were not invited to Michael's birthday.
The backpacker's passport/ not find/ yet
The backpacker's passport has not been found yet.
The Eiffel tower/ complete/ 1889
The Eiffel tower was completed in 1889.
Tennis/ not play/ with a basketball
Tennis is not played with a basketball.
All flights to Canada/ cancel/ today
All flights to Canada has been cancelled today.
Delicious special curry/ made/ in this restaurant.
Delicious special curry is made in this restaurant.
At the airport, we can sometimes go shopping at the _________ shops. So that we don't need to pay any taxes.
I felt nervous when our plane started to _________ . (leave the ground)
take off
We wait and welcome our friends and family at ____________. .
We go to the _________ part of the airport to say goodbye.
My dad is a ____________ He flies all over the world every week.