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Organizations, Procedures & INCOTERMS

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What does DPU?
Delivered at Place Unloaded
What does CPT means?
Carriage Paid to
What does DAP means?
Delivered at Place
Which incorterm is the most complete for the buyer or importer?
DDP Delivered Duty Paid
Which incoterm is the easiest for the seller or exporter?
EXW Ex works
Name the 4 incoterms that are use with marine transport?
Who created the INCOTERMS?
The International Chamber of Commerce
NCOTERMS is short for ?
"International Commercial Terms"
Considerably more detailed and informative than a standard domestic packing list. It itemizes the material in each package and indicates the type of package, such as a box, crate, drum, or carton. It also shows the individual net, tare, and
Export Packing List
Used to transfer accountability when the domestic carrier moves the export item to the port of embarkation and leaves it with the shipping line for export.
Dock Receipt/Warehouse Receipt
Certificate of Conformity, describe it.
Exporters are required to have the product analyzed and tested by an authorized third party.
For shipment by vessel, what are the two types of bill of lading?
straight bill of lading and a negotiable, or shipper’s order bill of lading.
Is a contract between the owner of the goods and the carrier (as with domestic shipments)
Bill of Lading
Which are used to classify products for customs purposes?
Harmonized System (HS) codes
Name 3 key functions and responsibilities of a customs broker
Documentation, Customs Clearance, Tariff Classification, Valuation, Compliance, Trade Agreement, Communication, Record Keeping
What professional is empowered by law and facilitates the import and export of goods and ensures compliance with customs regulations and requirements on behalf of their clients?
customs agent or customs clearance agent or custom broker
What document must be submitted to the customs authorities when importing or exporting goods. It includes information about the goods being imported or exported, their value, origin, and other relevant details required for customs clearance
Customs Declaration
What org. is now part of the Ministry of Economy dedicated to promoting the internationalization of Mexican companies. used to provided information, advice, training, and support in identifying business opportunities abroad.
What does INDEX means?
Consejo Nacional de la Industria Maquiladora y Manufacturera de Exportació
Name 2 private organizations or Chambers that support International Business in Mexico.
What does Bacomext means?
Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior
Name one goverment organization that provide support for foreign trade
Promexico, Secretaria de Economica, Bancomext