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Food Pyramid Quizz

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give me 3 examples of dairy food items you can have for breakfast.
Cheese, milk, butter, yogurt.
Give 4 examples of fruits you can have after lunch.
Orange, pineapple, strawberries, grapes, banana and others.
Give me 2different grain food items you can have for breakfast.
Bread, cereal, crackers, oat and others.
What can bread, pasta, rice and cereal provide?
They can provide energy.
What does peanut and beans contain?
They contain protein.
What should you eat to build strong muscles?
You should eat meat and protein food items like: eggs, peanuts and others.
What is milk good for?
Milk is good for the bones and teeth.
What food and group has vitamin A and it can provide a healthy eyesight?
Carrot. It belongs to the vegetable group.
What food group can help to heal cuts and bruises?
Fruit group helps to heal cuts and bruises.
What food group you should avoid eating?
You should avoid oils and sweets.
What is the largest group of the food pyramid?
The largest group is the GRAIN group.