Edit Game
Unit 7

Use commas to add multiple tags

 Private  Unlisted  Public

Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Saturday _____ (relaxing) day of the week.
is the most relaxing
Where is _____ (deep) place in the world? It's Mariana Trench
the deepest
What word has the meaning "produce egg from the body"?
lay the egg
I go to school ____ foot (by/on/with)
Fruit ______ (healthy) hamburger
is healthier than
Christmas is _____ event in the year (important)
the most important
She loves to read books, _____ she also enjoys painting. (and, so, but, because)
The concert tickets were expensive, _____ I decided not to go. (but, so, and, because)
We packed our bags, _____ we were going on a weekend trip. (but, and, because, so)
Mom made spaghetti for dinner, _____ it's my favorite dish. (so, because, but)
I think Ice cream is ______ desserts in the world (good)
the best
Do you spend time ______ book? (reading/to read/read)
Do you spend a lot of money _____ clothes? (in/on/at)
We need to _____ from euro into dollars for our trip next week
change some money
I forgot to bring the bag today. Can I ____ you some money please? (borrow/lend)
Would you like to ____ by credit card or cash? (lend/borrow/pay)
I need to take out some money from ____ machine (cash/currency/money)
I need to ____ a taxi to work today because the train was cancelled (take, go, travel)