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States of Matter

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which kind of matter has its own shape? solid, liquid or gas
SOLID. Liquid takes the shape of the container. Gas does not have a shape.
What are tiny particles in all matter called? (25 points for this answer!)
Tell us your favorite liquid to drink.
can vary
Tell us a liquid you do not like to drink.
can vary
What is matter?
It is anything that takes up space. It is a substance - liquid, gas or solid.
What happened to the swimming pool.
It froze. Liquid changed to solid. The air temperature must have gone down.
What happened to the snowmen?  Why did this happen?
They melted.  They changed from a solid to a liquid because the temperature rose and caused the ice to change to liquid.  The sun melted them.   ☀️😢
What is the difference between when you put solid and a liquid in a container?
The liquid changes shape to fill the container. The solid does not change shape.
Does a solid take the shape of a container?
No, it does not. It stays in its shape. It does not fill or expand in the container.
What do you know about gas? Say as much as you can.
Gas is a state of matter. It cannot be seen and it you cannot touch it.
What do you know about water? Say as much as you can.
Water is a liquid. It takes the shape of its container. It can freeze into a solid. It can evaporate into a gas.
True or False: A solid can change states on its own.
FALSE! It changes shape only if something breaks it.
True or False: Matter can change states.
TRUE! Liquid freezes to ice. Ice melts to liquid
True or False: Bubbles are a kind of gas.
True or False: Matter is everywhere!
What do we call it when a liquid changes into a gas (by heating)?
Name a kind of a gas
air in an air tank, bubbles in a fish bowl, water changing into gas (water vapor or steam) oxygen, helium, carbon dioxide...
Name three kinds of a liquid
water, juice, tea, any substance that can be poured
Name three kinds of a solid
ice, salt, rocks, minerals, tables, pencils, etc etc
What are the three states of matter?
Solid, Liquid & Gas