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Uxie's Trial of Pokemon
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Ash's Pokemon partner is ...
Who are part of the eon duo?
Latios and Latias
Shaymin is the .....
Gratidude Pokemon
 Giratina was banished to the ________.
D st rt  n W rld (I removed all the vowels)
The Sinnoh Starters are Turtwig, Chimchar and ...
The protagonist in Pokemon Legend's Arceus are ...
Akari and Rei
The Sea's Legend is a myth about Manaphy and Phione in Hisui. True or False.
Who is capable of learning Springtide Storm?
Who is the pokemon that has 28 forms?
Who is the god of pokemon?
The Beings of knowledge, emotion and willpower are...
Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf
Who is the mythical pokemon of the Kanto region?