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Who and Where?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Name the first sin committed as a child?
If you had the chance to back in time, what error or mistake would you avoid not to do?
If you had the chance to choose a country to visit, what country would it be?
Name your favourite food.
Tell your peers what highschool you attended?
Free points, Yaay
Free points, Yaay
Does application update has a direct email?
Name 4 departments of contact
Resident Performance​, Renewals​, Pre-Moveout​, Maintenance​, Maintenance Bids, Scheduling​, Insurance​, Insurance Claims​, Leasing Team​, Cares​, Violations​
Name of Mainstreet Renewals Insurance?
Assist with application process and updates. Who or where?
Application Update
They assist with new home searches. Who or where?
Helps with Crisis management for residents requiring rental assistance. Who or where?
Updates regarding lease disputes. Who or Where?
They assist with utility connections. Who or where?
Utility Management
Assist with providing updates for charge inquiries.
Utility Billing
Questions regarding pool services and snow removal. Who or Where?
Recurring Services
Assist tenants with new move-ins. who or where?
Welcome Home
Email used when a resident has insurance claims for property damages. Who or where?
Is utilized by residents to inquire about renewing their lease contract. who or where?
Ledger questions and Evictions due to owing base rent. Who or where?
Resident Performance